Want a bigger diamond? Grow it!
Lab grown diamonds have certainly been making an impression in the jewelry world as of late, and as The Source in Atlanta, D. Geller & Son has the selection you need to make your biggest dreams a reality.
We’ll start at the beginning... What is a lab grown diamond? That’s easy – It's a diamond! Lab grown diamonds have been around for a while, a popular choice for industrial uses, and now technology has been able to consistently produce jewelry quality stones, opening the market to consumers like you. Lab grown diamonds contain all the same chemical properties as a mined diamond and are graded with the same 4 C’s as well. They also display the same visual characteristics as mined diamonds, meaning you get the exact same sparkle potential from both options. The difference lies heavily in the timing, with nature needing billions of years to form a diamond, as opposed to a lab being able to complete this process within 10 weeks.
What does this mean for you? Plainly put... More bang for your buck! When considering a lab grown diamond against a comparable mined diamond, you’re able to get a larger, higher quality diamond within the same budget. While this is the most appealing attribute to many shoppers, there are certainly other benefits considered. Another very popular perk to a lab grown diamond is that the lack of mining process involved, which many value as a bonus for the environment. Many consumers are drawn to our ability to trace the origins of these stones, avoiding questions of ethics that have been problematic in mining history.
Still unsure which is right for you? Our showrooms are full of generations worth of knowledge at your disposal. Click
here to set an appointment with our team to shop our lab grown diamond selection and see why we are Where Atlanta Gets Engaged!